Saturday 14 March 2015

Jeff, Who Lives at Home

UK Release Date: 11th May 2012

Dispatched from his basement room on an errand for his widowed mother, slacker Jeff might discover his destiny (finally) when he spends the day with his unhappily married brother as he tracks his possibly adulterous wife.

Director: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass

Starring: Jason Segel, Ed Helms, Susan Sarandon

The Duplass Brother's film is centred on a man child still living at home with his mother. He's a bit of a bum, and you can tell by his thought process that he's baked. Jeff (Segel) is a lovable rogue but not your typical, empathetic lead. The narrative is shaped around his philosophy, that everything happens for a reason. Answering a phone call that turns out to be a wrong number sparks this motivation when the caller is after a Kevin. Whilst on an errand for his mum, Jeff stumbles upon the name and subsequently finds his destiny (or a series of coincidental events?). He bumps into his brother, Pat (Helms), who's every bit his opposite. Together they spy on Pat's wife, who they believe is cheating on him. In it's running time (a whole 80+ minutes), not an awful lot happens, at least nothing that's remotely interesting. Their mother's below standard and unstimulating sub-story fills up the duration of Jeff, Who Lives at Home, chopping up the narrative that drives the story. It lacks engagement and any sort of enthusiasm, even if Helms and Segel are in their comfort zones.


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