Thursday 11 July 2013

This is the End

Release Date: June 12th 2013

While attending a party at James Franco's house, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and many other celebrities are faced with the apocalypse.

Directors: Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen

Starring: James Franco, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson

Pain, a lot of pain. Some tears, and some joy. If a sentence could sum up a comedy of such talent, that would be enough. With this group of actors playing themselves in this apocalyptic epic, I've come up with the assumption that it's won't be thought provoking or frivolous with it's budget... right? Wrong, oh so wrong.

The opening scene at James Franco's shindig had me pointing at the screen and cackling at my fiancĂ© after seeing the ensemble cast, half of which don't survive the initial apocalypse. Michael Cera steals the 10 or so minutes leading up to the inevitable, but don't worry the laughs don't stop there. No more shall be divulged. See this and gape in it's weirdness.

Expect this fine roster to be as you've seen before. Rogan and Franco top their performances in Pineapple Express, with a home made sequel within the film. McBride's hot headedness is to be expected as he always portrays an asshole (PE, 30 Minutes or Less and Tropic Thunder), but does it mean he is one? Maybe.

Jay Baruchel is the sensible one of the pack, setting up the other character's jokes. Jonah Hill never disappoints, undermining Baruchel for our pleasure. Craig Robinson steps up from his performance in Hot Tub Time Machine.

The occasional cameo of a famous actor or redirection (Big Brother style interviewing or whacky drug intake sketch) keeps things interesting, never leaning towards the 'ok, what shall we do now?' scenario.

Overview: TITE becomes less believable as it unfolds, but it's consistency to make me cry with laughter will go down as a contender for best comedy of 2013.

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